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My Amazon Guy

July 25, 2019

How to Reinstate Amazon Listings After Product Takedown

If your product has been taken down, contact Amazon Seller Support immediately either by phone or filing a ticket. Although they may not be able to help you right away, it is important to have a case created relating to this issue. There are many reasons why Amazon might takedown your listing. However, there aren’t

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How to Contact Amazon’s Catalog Team

Example: Gating issue such as pesticides Navigate to the top-right hand corner in chosen seller central account and click on “Help”. This will bring a side panel out. Navigate to the bottom of the side panel and click on “Get support”. This will bring a list of options to get help on. Click on “Can’t

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How to Add an Email to Your Approved Sender List in Seller Central

Email Automation for Amazon If your automated email program is not figured correctly on Seller Central it can prevent the emails from being sent out. If you see zero emails being opened/sent this is a core trouble shooting step you should look into. Amazon can block the emails from going out to customers because the

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