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My Amazon Guy

eCommerce Strategy = Traffic and Conversion – B2C Marketing Explained

Amazon Expert

Hi I’m Steven, Founder of My Amazon Guy, a 500+ person Amazon Seller Central agency out of Atlanta, GA. We Growth Hack eCommerce and Marketplaces through PPC, SEO, Design, and Catalog Management.

eCommerce Strategy = Traffic and Conversion – B2C Marketing Explained

In this video I explain what makes up an eCommerce strategy. It’s all about traffic and conversion. If you sell consumer based products (B2C) watch this to learn what your marketing channels should comprise of, and what factors impact conversion.

ecommerce strategy

All things eCommerce boil down to driving traffic and increasing conversion to produce sales growth.

Drive Traffic

  • Advertising
    • Pay Per Click
      • Text Ads
      • Shopping Engines
    • Display Banners
  • Affiliates
  • Search Engine Optimization
    • Content
    • Technical Data
  • Marketplaces
  • Email
  • Social Media

Increase Conversion

  • Funnel Marketing
    • Multiple touchpoints in sales journey
  • Reducing Anxiety
    • Is it safe to buy from this source?
  • Reducing Friction
    • Can I get through the checkout funnel?
  • Merchandising & Personalization
    • Can I find the right product?

Traffic Funnel

If you need help with your eCommerce strategy or execution, reach out to me for a complimentary consult

My Amazon Guy

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