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My Amazon Guy

Amazon Product & Category Competitor Research

I had a potential client that wasn’t sure if their current Amazon strategy was on track. So we hired MyAmazonGuy to do an audit, and it helped us hold our team accountable. The insight was actionable, and very helpful data.
~ Harry Joiner
Owner of

Single ASIN Research

Services included:

$50 for an ASIN audit. You can expect it to be complete within 24 hours, guaranteed.
Amazon Full Category Research

Full Category Research

Services included:

$500 for a full category audit

Up to 10 Brands

You can list up to 10 brands for us to research.

An Excel file with all the following information gathered will include: ASIN, brand, title, sales, revenue, number of sellers, product prices, and business rankings. Another table will include the total and averages of the information found, such as sales and revenue.


Category Sales of Top 100 Products

A screen shot of a spreadsheet in a computer, showcasing account management for Amazon.

Keyword Research

Keyword research plays an essential role in selling on Amazon. Keywords are search terms customers seek out when looking for your product. If you don’t use the right keywords, they won’t find your product.

Targeting the right keywords obtains the largest search volumes on Amazon. This in turn boosts your traffic and leads to earned media and paid media sales. Want to know what your competitors are winning at? Buy this audit to find out today.

What We Deliver

We'll deliver an Excel file with tabs for each piece of information. You'll easily be able to filter the data yourself.

Click Sign Up to Get Started

Complete our forms that you want service for. The full audit sign-up button will lead you to another page where you'll await a response from us.

Testimonial: Mary Gigliotti

Steven’s expertise handling product variations gave us the courage to make some necessary changes on an existing brand. Making changes to an existing listing is stressful but his team handled the entire process quickly and more importantly, correctly. The results DOUBLED our sales overnight! Since then, we have used his team to optimize our listings and provide valuable insight on new products. Going forward, we won’t make any important moves without his professional advice.

Manage your Kolua wax inventory in the marketplace with pink beads and a wooden stick.

Mary Gigliotti

Amazon Business Owner

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