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My Amazon Guy

We Are Amazon Experts

Guiding You Through SEO, PPC, Design, And Catalog

Struggling to stand out on Amazon? Partner with Amazon experts to unlock explosive growth.

Feeling lost in the Amazon jungle? Don’t worry, we’ve all been there. But what if you had a team of seasoned guides by your side, leading the way to increased sales and brand visibility? Partnering with Amazon experts can be the game-changer you need.

Mastering SEO, PPC advertising, product design, and catalog optimization is crucial in this competitive landscape. But these areas can be complex and ever-evolving. That’s where Amazon experts come in – with their in-depth knowledge and proven strategies, they can help you navigate these crucial aspects and propel your business toward Amazon success.

  1. Confident navigating Amazon’s ever-changing rules? (Risk of account suspension)
  2. Stuck waiting on Seller Support? (Experts handle communication effectively)
  3. Want to unlock full sales potential? (Experts optimize ads & marketing)

Asking yourself these questions can help you determine if the specialized guidance and support offered by Amazon experts can empower you to navigate the complexities of the platform and achieve long-term success.

Amazon Experts For SEO Mastery

4-Phase SEO, is a strategy that our Amazon experts here at My Amazon Guy (MAG) implement to help listings rank higher in the marketplace.

Phase 1 SEO

Most Amazon shoppers use search to find products. With millions of sellers competing, ranking high organically demands specialized knowledge and strategies. This is where Amazon SEO experts come in.

  • Beyond basic keyword research: Our Amazon Experts delve deep into your category, uncovering hidden search terms your competitors might be missing.
  • Precision targeting: Forget simply using popular keywords. MAG’s Amazon Experts meticulously hand-pick the most powerful keywords that drive targeted traffic, increasing the likelihood of conversions.
  • Strategic implementation: Amazon Experts in our Amazon FBA agency know how to strategically weave these keywords into your product listings, descriptions, and backend data. This supercharges your product’s ranking potential over time.
  • Dominate search results: As your ranking climbs, your products gain superior visibility, placing them directly in front of ready-to-buy customers.
  • Effortless discovery: Imagine customers effortlessly finding your products without needing to scroll through countless pages. This translates to increased clicks and skyrocketing sales.

Phase 2 SEO

Ever feel like you’re missing out on a hidden world of Amazon shoppers? Phase 2 tackles this head-on with expert-driven strategies.

  • Beyond the Obvious: Basic keyword research only scratches the surface. Amazon Experts possess the tools and knowledge to uncover high-performing, yet underutilized “pink” keywords. These hidden gems can significantly boost your discoverability.
  • Precision is Key: Simply adding any keyword isn’t enough. Amazon Experts at MAG meticulously evaluate the effectiveness of each keyword and strategically incorporate them into your product descriptions. This ensures you target the right audience searching for exactly what you offer.
  • Avoiding Redundancy: Experts have a keen eye for spotting redundant keywords that consume valuable space in your search terms. They remove these to make room for the powerful “pink” keywords that Amazon’s search engine might be overlooking.

Phase 3

By Phase 3, your product has a solid foundation. Now, it’s time to fine-tune your targeting and unlock even greater visibility with expert-driven strategies.

  • Laser-Focused Keyword Selection: Our Amazon experts go beyond basic research. They delve deep into your category, uncovering high-value “strike zone” keywords currently within reach (ranked 20-50). These targeted terms have the potential to propel your products to the top of search results.
  • The Power of Precision: Forget a scattered approach. We meticulously hand-select the most relevant keywords based on in-depth analysis. This ensures you attract the perfect audience actively searching for exactly what you offer.
  • Organic Ranking Growth: Through strategic keyword implementation, we aim to gradually elevate your product ranking over time. This translates to surging visibility on Amazon’s search pages.
  • Unveiling Your Products to a Wider Audience: As your ranking climbs, your products become impossible to miss by potential buyers actively searching for relevant terms. This translates to a significant increase in clicks and conversions.

Phase 4 SEO

Amazon experts elevate your SEO with next-gen tools:

  • Real-time data insights: We go beyond basic research, leveraging exclusive access to Amazon’s search query data.
  • Target high-intent keywords: Amazon Experts analyze this data to identify keywords driving the most sales within your category.
  • Intent-based ranking: Our Amazon FBA agency ensures your products appear at the crucial moment when customers are ready to buy.
Amazon Experts Amazon SEO Tips (4)

Amazon Experts SEO Tips

Utilize image alt text effectively. Each image in your product listing and A+ content can have up to 100 characters of alt text.

Include Spanish characters in your A+ content description to potentially improve indexing speed.

Amazon Experts For PPC Precision

Amazon PPC can be a game-changer, but navigating it effectively requires expertise. That’s where our Amazon FBA agency comes in.

  • Proven Results: We’ve empowered hundreds of clients to skyrocket their traffic and sales through strategic PPC campaigns.
  • Laser-Targeted Reach: Our Amazon experts don’t do generic. We craft segmented campaigns that reach every potential customer actively searching for products like yours.
  • Keyword Mastery: Forget the guesswork. We utilize advanced research to identify the most profitable keywords while also uncovering hidden gems used by your competitors.

Our Amazon FBA Agency Amazon  Experts will:

  • Delve deep to find the perfect keywords that attract the right audience.
  • Fine-tune your campaigns for maximum impact and minimal cost (reduced ACOS).
  • Work closely on your advertising campaigns to deliver a significant boost in sales with our data-driven approach.
  • Provide clear, actionable insights to track your progress and make informed decisions.

Amazon Experts PPC Tips

Focus on running Auto campaigns and negating bad keywords instead of switching to exact match keywords.

Regularly review search terms (once a week) and exclude irrelevant keywords to improve ACoS (Advertising Cost of Sale).

Amazon Experts For Highly Converting Design

Tired of blending into the crowd? In today’s competitive landscape, standing out is crucial.

  • Professional Design: Our Amazon experts create visually stunning A+ Content that grabs attention and increases conversion rates.
  • Strategic Keyword Integration: We weave relevant keywords seamlessly into your content and photo alt text, boosting organic traffic.
  • Compelling Brand Storytelling: Showcase your unique brand narrative with a captivating Brand Story.
  • Brand Story Expertise: Our team helps you craft a compelling Brand Story that engages customers, builds trust, and ultimately drives sales.
  • Strategic Content & Design: Leverage crawlable text, impactful visuals, and optimized alt text to effectively tell your brand story and maximize its impact.
  • Standout Storefront Design: Our design specialists create a professionally designed storefront that showcases your brand collection and guides customers toward your products.
  • Enhanced Brand Identity: Maintain a consistent brand voice and aesthetic across your storefront, differentiating yourself from competitors.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Gain valuable insights into your storefront’s traffic sources, allowing you to optimize your strategy for continued growth.
  • Stand Out from the Crowd: Our creative team transforms basic images into eye-catching product photos that stop shoppers in scrolling.
  • Boost Click-Through Rates (CTR): High-quality visuals directly impact your CTR, the percentage of viewers who click on your listing. A strong CTR translates to increased traffic and potentially higher sales.
  • Enhanced SEO Ranking: Amazon prioritizes listings with engaging visuals in search results. Improved CTR can positively influence your SEO ranking, making your products more discoverable.

Amazon Experts Design Tips

Optimize your main image for the Amazon search page.

Include relevant keywords in the image itself or surrounding text.

Tailor the image to your target audience.

Amazon Experts For Catalog Optimization

Amazon Experts Catalog Optimization

Amazon experts empower you to transform your product visibility and sales with comprehensive Listing Optimization services.

Expert Content Creation

  • Compelling Titles & Bullet Points: Our Amazon Experts craft clear, concise, and keyword-rich titles and bullet points that grab attention and effectively communicate your product’s value proposition.
  • Engaging Product Descriptions: Go beyond the basics with informative and persuasive product descriptions that captivate potential customers and drive conversions.

Strategic Keyword Research

We conduct in-depth keyword research to identify the most relevant keywords that shoppers are actively searching for. Integrating these keywords strategically throughout your listing increases organic discoverability.

  • Visual Storytelling: Leverage the power of eye-catching infographic images to enhance understanding and boost conversion rates.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Gain a competitive edge with a detailed competitor report, allowing you to benchmark your performance and identify areas for improvement.

Amazon Experts Catalog Tips

Upload video responses to customer questions. This can improve engagement and showcase your product effectively.

Amazon Experts Help Troubleshoot Amazon Account Issues

Facing an Amazon account suspension can be frustrating and disrupt your business. Our team of Amazon experts can help you navigate the reinstatement process effectively.

We understand the complexities involved in dealing with Amazon suspensions. Our service provides:

In-depth Consultation: We’ll analyze your situation and identify the reason for the suspension.

Compliance Review: We’ll assess your listings and account activity to ensure they adhere to Amazon’s policies.

Plan of Action Creation: We’ll assist you in crafting a well-structured appeal that addresses Amazon’s concerns.

Case Management Support: We can guide you through the communication process with Amazon.

Our goal is to help you understand the suspension and work towards a swift resolution.

Here’s what sets our Amazon experts apart:


We have a proven track record of successfully assisting sellers with account reinstatement.


Our team stays up-to-date on Amazon's ever-changing policies and procedures.


We'll explain the process clearly and keep you informed throughout.

Our Amazon experts, led by our founder, Steven Pope, offer guidance and insights through our weekly YouTube AMAs and coaching calls

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