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How to Remove “Yanked Products” from A+ Content

Do you ever have products listed on your A+ content that are “yanked”? Follow the following steps to solve this issue. In order to locate the A+ content page, you must first go to the Seller Central store you want to locate the A+ store for. From Seller Central’s home page, click on the “Advertising”

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Mike's hot honey drizzle available on Amazon.

NEW Amazon 2020 Ad Image Sponsored Brands – Cheaper BIG IMAGES

  A new low cost method to boost sales, spread brand awareness, and increase sales on your account.  Sponsored Brands – Custom Image Campaign Sponsored Brands is an advertising method for brand registered Amazon accounts, such as yours. Sponsored Brands are Amazon ads that feature your brand logo, a custom headline, and up to three

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How to register your advertisers on Amazon Attribution Console for account management.

Amazon Advertising Attribution – Tracking External Traffic into Amazon

Introducing Amazon Attribution Amazon took away some nifty stuff with APIs and ability to track sales into platforms like Facebook this past summer. They are now rolling out new tools and functionality to everyone but in a more controlled format called “Attribution” which is in beta for Amazon advertising. This article and video will help

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Sponsored Brand Video Ads on Amazon

LAUNCH ANNOUNCEMENT: Sponsored Brands video (US) Shoppers will find relevant, keyword-targeted, auto-playing video ads in a below-the-fold slot in the search results on Android mShop, iOS mShop, mWeb, Tablet, and Desktop in the US. Advertisers can launch SB+V campaigns and optimize their CPC bids, modify targeted keywords, and access performance reports. Shoppers will benefit from being able to watch relevant videos right in the Amazon search experience to

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Landing Cube Weighs in on Giveaways and Product Launches

Landing Cube for FBA Promos Landing Cube is a service that helps give away promo codes, 1 to 1, for customers for a variety of reasons. In the below video they weigh in on many of the give away efforts such as Viral Launch, or Zon Blast. Below are some key takeaways from the owner

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A picture of a hedgehog and a new wave swim buggy, perfect for marketing management.

Amazon Adopts Facebook-like Social Posting on its Detail Pages Amazon just rolled out “Amazon Profiles” which is basically Facebook-like or Twitter-like social posting on the Amazon detail pages. Here’s how to get started with Amazon Profiles: Go to Upload a logo Begin posting When you go to upload your logo here are the specs you’ll need: File format JPG or PNG Image

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