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Amazon Advertising

What is Amazon ACoS? What is True ACoS?

ACoS or Advertising Cost of Sales is the percentage of sales made through Sponsored Ad Campaigns. On Amazon Seller Central, this will be already provided for you in the advertisement. ACOS = Total Ad Spend/Total Ad Sales x 100. Example 1 (image below): Ad spend = $280.66 | Ad sales = $1,125.42.  $280.66/$1,125.42 = 0.24938

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Beta Display on Amazon Rolls out to All Accounts 9-12-19

This was just announced today. Previous to 9/12/19 only about 2% of accounts had access to this on Seller Central. As of 9/12/19 every single account has access to it. With all beta things on Seller Central, test small when you start If you need help setting this up, reach out to us. Introducing Sponsored Display βeta

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How to Set Up Your Share a Sale Merchant Account

Share a Sale Share a Sale is an affiliate marketing network that simplifies the process of finding affiliates to advertise your brand and products. You pay a one-time fee to join Share a Sale, and from then on, you only pay when affiliates deliver actual results. Grow your online sales and traffic with affiliate marketing

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New Portfolio Amazon Advertising Campaign Management with Seller Central

Portfolio Amazon Advertising Campaign Management with Seller Central Contact MyAmazonGuy at – Advertising Setups for $500. Portfolios are brand new, not every account has them yet. Check your account in seller central by going to advertising, campaigns, and on the left hand side you can see whether your account is enabled. These will primarily

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