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Brand Tailored Promotions (1)

Brand Tailored Promotions to Skyrocket Your Amazon Success: Personalize Discounts and Cultivate Customer Loyalty

Are you an Amazon seller looking to harness the power of Brand Tailored Promotions to elevate your marketing strategies? Have you ever wished for the ability to personalize discounts and cultivate strong customer relationships on the platform?    Well, with the introduction of Brand Tailored Promotions, that possibility has become a reality. In this article,

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How to add a Prime Exclusive Discount

How to add a Prime Exclusive Discount to your listings to incentivize customers to buy your products! In order to locate the Prime Exclusive Discount page, you must first go to the Seller Central store you want to create the Prime Exclusive Discount for. From Seller Central’s home page, click on the “Advertising” tab, then

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A screen shot of the Amazon courses page showcasing marketing management.

How to Add a Coupon

How to add a coupon to your listings to incentivize customers to buy your products! In order to locate the coupon page, you must first go to the Seller Central store you want to create the coupon for. From Seller Central’s home page, click on the “Advertising” tab, then “Coupons.” 2. After you click on

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A Guide to Amazon Product Bundling   Methods for Using Amazon Product Bundling  Amazon Product Bundling is an Interactive and Creative Way to Increase Sales and Conversions on Products. New Physical Product Bundle Method:(Creating a New ASIN for FBA)  Create a new bundled listing. You need a new UPC, Title, Bullets, Description, Photos, and A+ Content. You can combine product X

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New Amazon Day Promotion – Prime Day Discount 2019

Prime Day 2019 is officially July 15th and 16th. Leading up to this expect a “Prime Day Week” of promotions from Amazon. Last year you could submit lightning deals. This year, you can submitting lightning deals as well as a “Prime Day Promotion” This new year feature is accessed by going to: Advertising / Prime

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How to Create an Amazon Giveaway on Seller Central

How to Create an Amazon Giveaway on Seller Central Amazon has released a new giveaway feature under promotions that allows you to giveaway up to 30 units. In addition to 30 units given away, there will be a 30%-40% off promotion for people who enter the giveaway and do not win. The seller will choose

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