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My Amazon Guy

Our Approach to Search Engine Optimization

My Amazon Guy

Approach to Search Engine Optimization

3,000 Customers Served

Amazon SEO Phase 1: Search Term Optimization

Optimize your back-end search terms for your listings on Amazon with Phase 1 of our Amazon SEO services. The process looks like this: 

3,000+ Customers Served

Amazon SEO Phase 2: Copy and Pink Keyword Update

Optimize your backend search terms for your Amazon listings. Phase 2 of our SEO Service Offering includes:
Current nsn search terms for marketplace and seller central management.

Amazon SEO Phase 3 - Strike Zone Keywords

Optimize your back end search terms for your listings on Amazon. In our Phase 3 of our SEO service, we do the following tasks:

Amazon SEO Phase 4: Search Query Report

Market Share Indexing Phase
Increases marketshare for top ranking keywords determined by Amazon’s search query report, by inputting these exact match phrases into our SEO strategy. For mature listings already eligible for the phase 3 strikezone strategy.

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