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My Amazon Guy

End To End Listing Optimizations

Do you have an existing or new listing that is underperforming? Wondering how your session and conversion rates are for your listing? With our team of experienced Amazon specialists,  we can provide the help you need.

What We’ll Do to Optimize Your Listing

A computer screen displaying a pink bottle, expertly utilized for marketing management by My Amazon Guy.

Premium A+ Content with Full Listing Optimization

$ 3,000
  • *Photography not included. Digital work only.
  • *ASIN must be eligible for Premium A+ Content

Standard A+ Content with Full Listing Optimization

$ 2,000
  • *Photography not included. Digital work only.

Listing Optimization

$ 1,000
  • *Photography not included. Digital work only.
Case Study My Amazon Guy 50k Growth

What is a End to End Listing Optimization?

An End to End Listing Optimization is the process of updating & changing the listings product detail pages (which includes title, bullets, descriptions, listing images and A+ content) that will result in improving search visibility, click-through rate & conversion rate to overall, generate more sales.

What’s Included:

Premium A+ Content with Full Listing Optimization Package

Our Premium A+ Content with Full Listing Optimization services cost $3000 per ASIN. The service includes:

  1. Logo header, graphic designs
  2. Full SEO & Alt text optimizations
  3. 500 words of crawlable copy
  1. Title
  2. Bullets
  3. Product description
  1. 1 Main Image
  2. 2-3 Infographics
  3. 2-3 Lifestyles

*Photography not included – Digital work only.

A computer screen displaying an Amazon product page with Seller Central management.

What’s Included:

Standard A+ Content with Full Listing Optimization Package

Our Standard A+ Content with Full Listing Optimization services cost $2000 per ASIN. The service includes:

  1. Logo header, graphic designs
  2. Full SEO & Alt text optimizations
  3. 500 words of crawlable copy
  1. Title
  2. Bullets
  3. Product description
  1. 1 Main Image
  2. 2-3 Infographics
  3. 2-3 Lifestyles

*Photography not included – Digital work only.


What’s Included:

Amazon Listing Optimization Package

Our Amazon Listing Optimization services cost $1000 per ASIN. The service includes:

  1. Title
  2. Bullets
  3. Product description
  1. 1 Main Image
  2. 2-3 Infographics
  3. 2-3 Lifestyles

*Photography not included – Digital work only.

Increase Click-Through Rate (CTR)

Improvement in Search Visibility

Boost in Conversion Rate (CR)

Learn About the new Brand Story Module:

Amazon A+ Content Brand Story
Why Hire My Amazon Guy

Why Hire My Amazon Guy?

No longer do you spend time learning about keyword research & wondering what would be best or how to increase sales for your listing. My Amazon Guy has years of knowledge and experience in growing sales for over 100’s of Amazon Sellers. Our full services professionals are using the top resource tools at our disposal to benefit your listing! We are up to date with Amazon’s Seller Best Practices & will apply that directly to your listings. My Amazon Guy has you covered!

Benefits of Our Service

A computer screen displaying the Amazon Royal Blend ad managed by My Amazon Guy.

Improve Search Rankings

Tell Your Brand Story

Showcase Multiple Products

Example Infographics

With the help of My Amazon Guy, you can effectively manage your marketing and seller central on Amazon while ensuring that you stay hydrated in a delicious and healthy way.
A bar of soap made with all natural ingredients, available on Amazon.
A woman multitasking on her laptop while efficiently managing her Amazon seller central account.

What is A+ Content?

A+ Content gives sellers with Amazon Brand Registry the opportunity to modify their product description with images and various text placements. EBCs let sellers tell their brand story and showcase their products. Sellers can use EBCs to describe specific product features, compare a line of products, and display additional lifestyle photos.

Benefits of Enhanced Brand Content

Well-designed Enhanced Brand Content can increase customer engagement, leading to higher conversion rates. EBCs also provide another opportunity to increase search rankings by including relevant copy and image keywords. EBCs are especially important in highly competitive fields; customers may use EBC as the deciding factor when choosing between multiple brands.

Benefits of Crawlable Text

To put is simply – crawlable text is the highlightable product descriptions and details included within your A+ Design.

Is it really that important? Yes, and here’s why: 

  1. An A+ content design that uses only images and infographics may look very nice. Striking and eye catching. But what use is a pretty image if no one is looking at it? Crawlable (highlightable) text directly impacts your listings SEO ranking. Take advantage of all the keywords available to you as it greatly helps with indexing the product.
  2. A+ content designs with heavy crawlable text are very informative, and you can use this space to tell a story. What is your brand?  What is this product? How does one use this product appropriately? How can the product benefit your life? 

Examples of A+ Content

A marketplace showcasing a range of kitchen items for effective marketing and seller central management.
Explore a web page showcasing an array of equipment ranging from account management tools to marketing management resources, brought to you by My Amazon Guy.

Examples A+ Content:

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