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UPC to GS1 Barcode Change Service

Are you noticing issues with your listings being removed? Are you seeing messages concerning GS1 Barcode Certification errors? If so, My Amazon Guy has a service to correct this issue for you — stress free.

Amazon has changed their policy about GS1 barcodes and have started taking down listings without GS1 certified barcodes in the listing. The problem stems from the mismatch between the registered brand name of the UPC barcode and the brand name of the listing.

$500 per ASIN – 1 Marketplace

Our Service Consists of:

*We need you to provide us with GS1 certified UPC barcodes before the process starts.

00:00 – Welcome to the LIVE podcast with Michelle Covey
10:55 – What is GS1?
16:53 – GS1 Barcode, it is worth it?
20:34 – Legit GS1 barcodes for multiple codes
23:27 – Registering UPC with GS1
24:43 – GS1 UK to use with Amazon
26:02 – More on GS1
30:22 – Prefix Packs
32:19 – Reoccuring fees
33:32 – Brand Name changes with a prefix code
37:25 – single barcodes
39:44 – Purchase limit to the single GTIN
41:10 – Metadata
42:08 – update UPC without losing the listing
44:27 – American seller purchasing a Euro GS1
45:33 – Connect with Michelle Covey

Are you noticing issues with your listings being removed? Are you seeing messages concerning GS1 Barcode Certification errors? If so, My Amazon Guy has a service to correct this issue for you — stress free.

Amazon has changed their policy about GS1 barcodes and have started taking down listings without GS1 certified barcodes in the listing. The problem stems from the mismatch between the registered brand name of the UPC barcode and the brand name of the listing.

$500 per ASIN – 1 Marketplace

Steven Pope
arrowsUPC to GS1 Barcode Change

Our Service Consists of:

*We need you to provide us with GS1 certified UPC barcodes before the process starts.


Time Frame

My Amazon Guy will work on your listing and update the existing UPC barcode to your registered GS1 barcode within 5-45 days.
*Time frame might vary depending on specific factors such as brand registry on Amazon, etc.


Besides a deep understanding of the Amazon Catalog System, we've also worked on thousands of listing updates including:


We will merge and do a full update on your listings for the GS1 code to reflect instead of the old UPC. In 90% of the cases we handled, there is no downtime in the process and you can still sell while we're making the changes*. Inventory will not be affected.

*Please check FAQs"

Barcode Change FAQs

Need more help? Contact us with any
questions or concerns

Generally, it would take 3 to 4 weeks. It might change depending on several factors.

No. The inventory will not be affected by the ASIN change.

We would not offer this service if we were not confident we could do it. As of 10/13/22 we guarantee the success of your UPC change or 100% money back guaranteed. 

 Minimal. There are no impacts to Reviews and BSR.

Labels – We recommend changing your UPC barcodes on your boxes, but you can also simply print Amazon barcode labels (FNSKU oklabels). From our experience, the old UPCs still associate with the ASINs, and still scan into FBA. But as a proactive measure in case this changes, we suggest you update your labels

Inventory – All current inventory at FBA is unaffected.

We will only change the UPC field for this service. Any issues such as a removed or yanked ASIN that needs reinstatement require an additional purchase from our website

We don’t need to take down an ASIN to change a UPC, but there are times when Amazon will create a new ASIN to remove the incorrect UPC from the original listing. We rarely encounter this nowadays. But should this happen, we would just re-list your ASIN with everything intact and a very small chance of 24 hours of downtime.

No. The old UPC and new GS1 will exist on the same ASIN and both are usable. They can check both in and it won’t cause any stock or inventory issues. Just remember to use the new GS1 barcodes in succeeding manufacturing runs.

Yes. UPC is universal, and changing it in the US market will cause it to update in other markets as well, but the update in other markets may take some time to take effect .

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